For this project, we were assigned one word. We then had to create, film, and edit a 1-minute story based on that word. My partner and I got the word "concerned." I won't lie, it was pretty difficult considering that we couldn't use any words or sounds in our video. We had several ideas while brainstorming but ultimately decided on a simple narrative; the brainstorming my teacher assigned us really helped us with that. My partner is great at drawing, and she was overly excited to do the storyboard. I helped guide her through the shots I thought would look cool, and she drew them down. To edit, we both used Premiere Pro. I'm way more familiar with the program than my partner, so I helped her the best I could. However, while editing, I realized I have a tendency to cut clips really short. The first line edit was about 30 seconds long, and I had to extend it as best I could. Looking back, I wish I'd recorded more. Not to mention, we were rushed for time while filming. So, I couldn't reshoot to get the perfect short. However, all in all, I think we did pretty well. Below is a link to our project.