Look for Stuff!!

Sep 3, 2024

15 Shots Quiz

   The time was 11:58 pm. I had spent all day driving or reading my books in a crammed car full of suit cases, I was exhausted. Luck for me, I had finished all my school assignments but one. One project I finished but had no time to submit, since we left the house in a rush. As soon as we where at our AirBnB, I ran for the WIFI and summited the project right before the due date. The moment felt straight out of a James Bond movie. 

   The project is to tell a story with 15 camera shots (photos), and my partner and I chose a very... interesting story. This friend brings out a very silly side of me and our product ended up reflecting that. There are a few things I wish I had done better. For example, I forget that stories get to be as simple or as complicated as the creator wants, and for the sake of this project, a less complex story whould have been key. The other projects I've seen make sense because the story is easy to tell with such limited ways of communicating information, mine isn't. The car ride wasn't the first time I was stressing over the project. We had 20 minutes to take the shots for our project after my teacher finished her lesson. While we had the entire thing storyboarded, we still failed to get the shots done in a reasonable amount of time. That being said, you can witness the tragic story of Gilbert in the photos below

Hope you enjoyed it (and understood it, the text is very small.) Have a great rest of your day :)

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