Look for Stuff!!

Mar 6, 2025

The Text - Portfolio Blog #20

Hey Glorp!

Something I take pride in is my immune system, I often say it's made of steel. Well, my pride was taken from me this week at STN. The lack of sleep weakened my army of white blood cells and I started feeling terrible. I'm home now, but I'm still sick, I'm being forced into rest by my dad. I woke up from a fever dream about graphics and instantly got to writing this post. 

During my research for movie openings, I realized that all the text used by westerns are thick and capitalized. The colors used are reds, blacks, and whites, and the graphic is meant to grab attention. So, with all of this is mind, I looked through Adobe Fonts to find the perfect text. Here are a few of my choices.

I like how clean this one looks. A lot of the fonts I found sacrificed their vide for legibility. This one is the perfect mix of both. The only issue is that it may be too clean. Western fonts, from what I've seen, aren't this bubbly and neat.

I think this font really adds to the western vibe. I like how theres a flat color and a detailed version, but I doubt that it'll look good if we use something with so much detail. 

This text has a little bit of texture, which I really like. None of the font's from my research had this, but I think that a little texture will really add to the aesthetic of our opening. 

Should I have to pick one, I think I'd go with Discourse and I'd add a little bit of texture on After Effects. That way I'd get the best of both worlds. Okay, I'm going to go convince Zach to let me have control over the text in our opening. Bye Glorp!

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