Look for Stuff!!

Mar 12, 2025

Group Discussion - Portfolio Blog #23

Hello Glorp! 

Before I start, here's a photo that sums up my week. I am burning out :D

Today we were sorted into groups and discussed our project for peer reviews. Here's the recap.


(His blog is down, so he gave me his group member's blog instead)


Miguel is going to film soon, likely today he says. His story is in the horror genre. The plot follows a high school band with an outraged guitarist. After an argument, the guitarist get kicked off the band. This influenced his final decision to kill off band members one by one. Something I found really cool about his project is that the way the band members will get killed. It has to do with the instrument that they played. For example, the drumist gets drum sticks wedged into his eyes and the bassist gets strangled by an amp chord. They are also making their own music since each actor already knows how to play their instrument. I honestly really like that idea. Truly, I wish them the best. 



Her opening follows a group of girls who have a prank war every April 1st. During the preperation of a prank, one of the girls gets murderd. Sophia didn't say the genre, but I assume this is also horror. I really liked her idea of having two camera's on set. One recording the regular way and a small digital cameria for the girls to record as a vlog. I think there can be some really good use of POV shots with that, so long as it's used with intention. Sophia told me that the way she plans on showing the murder is by using fake blood and only showing the hand of the victim. This is a good way to hide the fact that we are jobless highschoolers and don't have the budget to make a murder scene look realistic. She was planning on making blood out of corn syrup and food dye. I suggested adding one part blue food dye and four parts red. This gives the fake blood a deeper, more realistic color. Also, to watch out for stains and to keep a wet rag near her, things can get sticky quick.



Roman, if you are reading this, I'm sorry if I spelt your name wrong. Roman already filmed his project, he is doing something in the action genre. The opening is focused on two men involved with trading drugs getting caught by the police and being interrogated. The character played by Roman snitches to the cops. At first, I was skeptical. How is this kid going to get access to a cop car? Handcuffs? Police uniforms? A police station??? He assured me that, since his girlfriend's dad is a cop, he has access to all those things. I'm still a little skeptical. Personally, if I where a cop and my daughter's boyfriend wanted to borrow my expensive equipment for a school project, I'd say no. But, I'm not a cop, I'm a kid who hasn't even finished high school. So what do I know?

My Project:

Talking to my group members, I realized my film has no name. I instantly texted the group chat.

So the film is now called Death Wears a Dress. I really like the name. 

With my group, I went over the line edit and showed them the text I planned on using for the graphic. Miguel said to use the Zebrawood font because it looks more "western" compared to the Discourse font. He said it looked like a sticker from the 80s, I see what he means and I and agree. 

The plan is to add the graphics today, but it's already 8 pm. So I guess this is good night, bye Glorp!

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