Look for Stuff!!

Feb 23, 2025

Audio - Portfolio Blog #14

Hi Glorp!

Audio does, in fact, make the world go round. Or at least, it benefits our existence as living beings. Think about it, if a bunny can't hear a fox, how will it prevent itself from being eaten? We are beings who evolved from animals such as these, and evidently find great importance in audio. Therefor, when a landscape sounds off, we will notice it and be pulled from the story. "Audio is more important than footage" as they say.

Westerns focus on how wild the west is. It's strongly locked onto the nature of a scene more than the human part. Humans also don't talk as much as in other movies because of this. This is prefect for us because we will have someone filming audio on set, likely Nico or I. That way we can get as much natural noises as possible. Also, it's so we don't have to record foley for everything, which is a huge annoyance. As someone whos made five foley projects over that past three years, I have a strong distaste for how tedious it is.

This blog is quick because I have to go out and film today. It's 7:14 am an I have to leave at 7:30, so I should really go and get ready to leave. I'll update! 

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