Look for Stuff!!

Feb 23, 2025

Planning Mise-en-scene (Colors!) - Portfolio Blog #13

Hello Glorp! 

If there's anything that I love most, it's color. Film, photos, or in real life, color is always just so mesmerizing. I'll be honest, I thought that they didn't have many colors in America 1800s. From my experience, tinting clothes with plants leaves a very faint color. Most of the time it washes out. Also, if I had to tint my clothes in the wilderness, I doubt I'd have my lovely blues and purples. But a quick google search made me remember that the 1800s where the start of the industrial age. Even those in the most rural areas had access to a store with products. Dyes where cheap to make, which made them available in rural areas. 


Now that we can have colorful clothing, I thought I'd be fun to have Emi's character have something red. This would represent her strong personality, despite being a quiet character. She still stands her ground and equally as stubborn, despite not saying much. The white of the shirt under her vest is a representation of the pure intentions behind her actions, she is a woman of god and refuses to intentionally hurt or wrong people. Black shoes and hat demonstrate her need to not have her real personality shown to the world. She knows if it's shown that she's caring and kind, people won't take her as seriously as they would a man. So, she hides under a quiet and dark personality, intentionally not saying much to seem as confident and powerful as possible. 

The Set Colors

As for the set, Nico is mainly in charge of that, but I'll relay the message for you. The place we are shooting in will be a plain field of grass, meaning we don't have to care about set that much aside from colors. I wanted the grass to look brown, almost dead, which will be easy to do in post. This is the area we will be shooting in. I don't want to get any trees in the shot because I've never seen them in westerns. Also, we will be shooting at 8 am tomorrow, meaning that the sky will be out and blue. Not much we can do about that.

Update on progress:

Today, Zach Nico and I went to HomeDepot and PartyCity to buy props. We got a cowboy hat, the cheapest bag of dirt we chould find, and a rope. We took a photo of the rope, but Blogger is freaking out and not letting me post them. Also, we are going to film tomorrow!

Bye Glorp!

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