Look for Stuff!!

Feb 24, 2025

Planning in Post - Portfolio Blog #15

Hello Glorp!

I have a looming fear that the project will fall to its doom when we are at STN, though that's unlikely to happen. We got 90% of the shooting done this weekend, which is amazing. All we are missing is the editing and to get the remaining 10%, which we have 31 days to complete. But I keep thinking the product isn't good enough, despite having an astonishing product from yesterday. I feel like we are missing something big, like we didn't research enough or our opening will be filled with continuity errors. I don't know. I shouldn't feel this unsure but I am. Let's hope to god this just paranoia and not instinct. 

(One of my favorite shots from yesterday)
In an attept to comfot myself, I'm going to make a plan for post. 

What if we need to reshoot?

What if Zach's computer explodes?

Well, not literlly. But adobe is well known for it's ability to crash computer. As someone who expirences a time crunch every week due to STN practice, I know that computers can sometimes just give in with no appaert reason.

What if the project crashed and we lose everything?

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