Welcome Glorp to my humble abode. This is the first time I'm writing a blog post at 6 am. "Why?" I hear you ask. Well, I'm going to a renaissance fair at 9 and I also have a lot of home work. So, as Pokey from my favorite childhood book said, I'm putting work before play.
Look for Stuff!!
Mar 16, 2025
I See, I See, and I Are? (#26)
Mar 15, 2025
C and C, but where is the R? (#25)
Dear Glorp,
Today I washed cars and begged people for tips.
If they are going to make me work, at least make me beg people for money. It's what I'm best at. (This is a joke)
How did your production skills develop throughout this project?
Believe it or not, I'm not a people person when it comes to getting stuff done. When I fool around, I'll admit, I'm a goofy guy. But when I'm focused, all other things don't exist and I feel like my purpose in life was to be the thing I am doing. If I am writing this blog, my mother might as well said "this child will be writing blogs until the day he dies" during my birth because this is the only thing I am right now. Blogs. Blogs. Blogs. That's the only narration in my head because I am so focused. I am a blog. The real blog is me.
The only issue with being so focused is that I tend to be ignorant of other people. Which is bad when I'm working in a group. So, I learnt to cool off and be a little more passive this time around. I decided to expand my knowledge on westerns so much, my pert in this group became niche. Throughout this project I was the groups' Google. They'd ask me anything about the Victorian era and I would give a very specific answer.
Production wise, I'd say my skills are good, I didn't learn much because I've done productions like these before. I was just going through the motion. Zach did remind me that the rule of thirds existed and I was like "Oh, yeah right. I should start using that again."
Okay, that's all for tonight Glorp. Buh bye!
Mar 14, 2025
CCR - Portfolio Blog Post #24
How does your product engage with audiences?
How would it be distributed as a real media text?
Mar 12, 2025
Group Discussion - Portfolio Blog #23
Hello Glorp!
Before I start, here's a photo that sums up my week. I am burning out :D
Today we were sorted into groups and discussed our project for peer reviews. Here's the recap.
(His blog is down, so he gave me his group member's blog instead)
Miguel is going to film soon, likely today he says. His story is in the horror genre. The plot follows a high school band with an outraged guitarist. After an argument, the guitarist get kicked off the band. This influenced his final decision to kill off band members one by one. Something I found really cool about his project is that the way the band members will get killed. It has to do with the instrument that they played. For example, the drumist gets drum sticks wedged into his eyes and the bassist gets strangled by an amp chord. They are also making their own music since each actor already knows how to play their instrument. I honestly really like that idea. Truly, I wish them the best.
Her opening follows a group of girls who have a prank war every April 1st. During the preperation of a prank, one of the girls gets murderd. Sophia didn't say the genre, but I assume this is also horror. I really liked her idea of having two camera's on set. One recording the regular way and a small digital cameria for the girls to record as a vlog. I think there can be some really good use of POV shots with that, so long as it's used with intention. Sophia told me that the way she plans on showing the murder is by using fake blood and only showing the hand of the victim. This is a good way to hide the fact that we are jobless highschoolers and don't have the budget to make a murder scene look realistic. She was planning on making blood out of corn syrup and food dye. I suggested adding one part blue food dye and four parts red. This gives the fake blood a deeper, more realistic color. Also, to watch out for stains and to keep a wet rag near her, things can get sticky quick.
Roman, if you are reading this, I'm sorry if I spelt your name wrong. Roman already filmed his project, he is doing something in the action genre. The opening is focused on two men involved with trading drugs getting caught by the police and being interrogated. The character played by Roman snitches to the cops. At first, I was skeptical. How is this kid going to get access to a cop car? Handcuffs? Police uniforms? A police station??? He assured me that, since his girlfriend's dad is a cop, he has access to all those things. I'm still a little skeptical. Personally, if I where a cop and my daughter's boyfriend wanted to borrow my expensive equipment for a school project, I'd say no. But, I'm not a cop, I'm a kid who hasn't even finished high school. So what do I know?
My Project:
Talking to my group members, I realized my film has no name. I instantly texted the group chat.
So the film is now called Death Wears a Dress. I really like the name.
With my group, I went over the line edit and showed them the text I planned on using for the graphic. Miguel said to use the Zebrawood font because it looks more "western" compared to the Discourse font. He said it looked like a sticker from the 80s, I see what he means and I and agree.
The plan is to add the graphics today, but it's already 8 pm. So I guess this is good night, bye Glorp!
Mar 9, 2025
Filming Day 2 - Portfolio Blog #19
Yes Glorp, I know these blogs are out of order. So sue me.
Today my team went out and filmed the missing clips for our project. We had 2 - 3 shots we where missing, and they went out and got them.
Zach recording Emi and her cross.
Mar 8, 2025
CCR - Portfolio Blog Post #22
Hey Glorp!
Back in the day, I would grab my phone and my microphone and film myself climbing trees while talking to myself. So when I heard about the CCR, which is expected to be me talking to a camera, that's the first thing that came to my head. I plan to go out around 3 pm and maybe stay for the sunset. I'll also have a script and bullet notes so I know what points I wanna make. Lucky, question #1 is one I've already asked myself.
"How does your product use or challenge conventions, and how does it represent social groups or issues?"
We decided that our protagonist should be female. This is to challenge how the protagonist of a western is always a white man. Many women where cowgirls back in the Victorian era, they just have never gotten the same representation in media as men. The western landscape was a lot fairer than people make it out to be, most believed that woman were equal so long as they can do the job as well as a man. I know western movies aren't always known to be historically accurate, but the genre can do with a little change up in gender. This will expand the target demographic to women and younger people. Not to mention, women in the western genres are typically a damsel in distress. Our character isn't in distress, in fact her personality is very masculine. Not using this trope at all turns the convention on it's head, and shows that film can be made without using tropes that reinforce the patriarchy.
Mar 7, 2025
Voice Recording - Portfolio Blog #21
Guess who's still sick? I am! This morning I awoke level headed and forced myself to school. But the hellish critters violating my immune system forced me to the nurses office. Suffice to say, Glorp, I had to miss the recording my group did. Here's a update blog.
While I was resting at home, my group went to the recording studio in the TV room. They stayed in there for a good thirty minutes or so to get the line right. Zach and Nico instructed Emi to say her lines in a morbid, ponderous voice. According to her, it took a few attempts, but she eventually got there. They decided to only say 2 of her 4 lines since the spare 2 might give too much exposition.
Mar 6, 2025
The Text - Portfolio Blog #20
Mar 2, 2025
Editing in Post - Portfolio Blog #18
Hello Glorp! All of today was spent filming and editing. Now I’m at a social mixer hidden away in a corner because loud noises overwhelm me. Anyways, Zach finished the line edit! We plan to have a voice over the entire thing, but we haven’t recorded any of it yet. Also, the music we added is temporary and will likely be changed. I also plan to add more noises like wind, dirt, and clothes with foley and free online sources (pixabay.com)
Hey Glorp! Something I take pride in is my immune system, I often say it's made of steel. Well, my pride was taken from me this week at ...
Hello Glorp! Today I am traveling to STN! And tomorrow’s post will be in Tampa! I can’t wait! Anyway, when we went to Vista View, for compl...
Hello! This is part two of my music marketing project. In this phase, we got to apply everything we learned in part one to real-life situati...